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Halalbooking’s unique filters and features are designed to enable Muslim travellers to find the hotel or villa best suited to their own individual halal needs.

Halal food

Check availability of halal food in your hotel or villa or in shops and restaurants nearby, wherever you travel.

Hotels with halal food
Alcohol-free areas

Find hotels which are completely alcohol-free or have alcohol-free restaurants, or where we can request for alcohol to be removed from your room.

Hotels with alcohol-free areas
Beaches, pools & spas for women or private for your family

Find hotels with leisure facilities, which are dedicated for ladies only or available for private hire by a single family. Also, find villas with private, fully-secluded pools and hotels with mixed beaches and pools where modest swimwear can be worn.

Hotels with women-only beaches and pools
Family-friendly rooms & pricing

Our unique system automatically shows when you need more than one room and finds the possible combinations of suitable room types at the best price, showing which room types can be connected or adjacent.

Family-friendly hotels
Umrah features in Makkah & Madinah

Find hotels with Haram- or Kaaba-view rooms, with the Haram in walking distance or reached by a free shuttle. You can even find hotels with Haram-connected prayer halls in Makkah and hotels with south-facing Haram-view rooms in Madinah, so that you are facing the Masjid an-Nabawi when praying in your room.

Hotels for Umrah
Genuine customer reviews

Read genuine reviews from our community of like-minded guests and see their scores for the services and facilities of the hotel or villa where they have stayed. All of the reviews have been verified, so you can be sure that they have been written by halal-conscious guests, who have actually booked through us and stayed at the property.

Top-rated hotels from guest reviews



Below is a select range of properties around the world demonstrating various halal features

Ladies-only beach - The Oba Hotel
Torba, Bodrum, Turkey
Beach villa with 100% secluded private pool - Fushifaru Maldives
Hinnavaru, Maldives
Ladies-only pool - Wome Deluxe
Alanya, Antalya, Turkey
Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Halal food and no alcohol - Alanda Marbella Hotel
Marbella, Andalusia, Spain
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